Friday, April 13, 2018

What videos were in rotation on MTV in April 1983?

Here's your answer, according to Billboard magazine. I've highlighted a few of my preferred videos (not necessarily songs) on the list below.

Billboard, April 23, 1983, p. 30

Here's a selected sampling:

Nick Lowe - "Ragin' Eyes" from the album The Abominable Showman (yes, that's Paul Carrack on keyboard)

Heaven 17 - "Let Me Go" from the US album Heaven 17 and the UK album The Luxury Gap

The English Beat - "I Confess" from the album Special Beat Service

And one that's new to me:

Goanna - "Solid Rock" from the album Spirit of Place


  1. I wasn't familiar with the Goanna track either until maybe a decade ago when I purchased Cool World, a 2-CD collection of songs by Australian and New Zealand bands, covering the years 76-86. I bought it for "Send Me an Angel," but found many, many keepers on it, including "Solid Rock." Here's a link, if you're interested:

    1. I searched for the Takanaka video (which is quite bizarre: Not a keeper IMO, but it led me to this fine Benson-esque album from Masayoshi Takanaka:
